Main Street, WV
Morgantown, WV
Main Street Morgantown, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the continued revitalization of downtown Morgantown. Their goal is to create and maintain the city's downtown as an attractive, clean, safe center of commerce, government, and education. A group of civic leaders chartered this organization in January 1984, upon returning from a seminar at the National Main Street Center in Washington, D.C. The national Main Street program is housed within the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Through a four-point approach, over 700 towns in over 32 states have an active Main Street program in place to revitalize their downtowns. Main Street Morgantown's foundation is based on the national Main Street program's four points: organization, promotion, economic restructuring, and design.
Main Street Morgantown believes that achieving a healthy and vibrant overall appearance is often the first step in re-establishing the economic vitality of an urban environment. An initial investment in improving the visual quality of a business can bring about dramatic returns. The potential is unlimited if this improvement is part of a coordinated effort in which adjacent buildings as well as streets and sidewalks are improved. Our firm, through the Main Street Program, provides the design assistance through conceptual drawings giving visual suggestions on how to maintain or reestablish historic integrity.